Monday, January 11, 2016

Not Any Parking lot in Any Store in Any City

This could be any parking lot at any time of the day.  It could also be any parking lot late afternoon long after sunset.  It could be any store or any mall or any church parking lot.  But it is none of those. This is a typical parking lot at 6:15 in the morning in any school in the city.  

Yes,while most of us are thinking about getting out of bed, you have all those dedicated teachers already preparing for the long day ahead of them.  Report cards, lesson plans, worksheets for students and all that stuff does not just appear.  All these are prepared by human hands or maybe even super-human hands and all while most of us are sleeping.

Talk about unsung heroes!  Let's not forget who laid the foundation for professionals such as your doctor, dentist, preacher, lawyer, and yes, even for these bunch of dedicated teachers. Thank a teacher for spending most of the day with our children.  It will make them feel good and it will make you feel good.  

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Is it an End to Mortgage Rates Under 4%?

Is it an End to Mortgage Rates Under 4%?